Salah | Begin | Jamat |
Fajr | 5:54 AM | 7:00 AM |
Zuhr | 12:24 PM | 1:00 PM |
Asr | 3:14 PM | 3:45 PM |
Magrib | 5:09 PM | 5:09 PM |
Isha | 7:45 PM | 7:45 PM |
- +447849806013

Salah | Begin | Jamat |
Fajr | 5:54 AM | 7:00 AM |
Zuhr | 12:24 PM | 1:00 PM |
Asr | 3:14 PM | 3:45 PM |
Magrib | 5:09 PM | 5:09 PM |
Isha | 7:45 PM | 7:45 PM |
Support your local Foodbank
Alhamdulillah after much hard work and planning by our Volunteers, and with the guidance of The Peace Centre, we are excited to announce the launch of our Foodbank at the end of this month, insha'Allah!
This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our community, and we need your support to make it a success.
We are seeking volunteers, especially sisters, to help with various tasks. In addition, donations of both money and non-perishable food items are greatly appreciated.
If you would like to get involved or contribute, please contact Sister Bushra for more information. Let’s work together to make a positive impact, insha'Allah!
- Basic Items
- Tinned Items
- Instant Foods
If you are interested in joining our volunteer force, you can apply here.
Volunteer HereWe are accepting the following items
Tinned Items
- Tomatoes
- Potatoes
- Peas
- Butter Beans
- Kidney Beans
- Sweetcorn
- Vegetable Soup
- Minestrone Soup
- Custard
Instant Food
- Instant Rice
- Instant Noodles
- Pasta Sauce Jars
- Instant Mash
- Instant Soup - Box/ Satchet
- Curry Sauce Jars
Basics Needs
- Rice
- Cereals
- Cooking Oil - 1L
- Sugar
- Biscuits
- Rice Pudding
- Coffee Jars
- Confectionary
- Nappies All Sizes
Where to drop
Your Donations
Baytul Ihsaan
Sandhills Avenue, Hamilton
Leicester, LE5 1PL
The Hamilton Hub
Maidenwell Avenue, Hamilton
Leicester LE5 1BJ
Contact Us
07513 459374
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